Authenticating using ORCID
ORCID uses the OAuth2 protocol for authentication and authorisation. This is a user centric authentication mechanism that allows users fine grained control over what third parties can and cannot do with their ORCID record. Actions that require user authorisation use the three-legged approach, as does authenticating users. It works like this:
- Your website directs the user to ORCID using a specially crafted request containing details of the permissions you would like the user to grant you. E.g. read or update
- The user authenticates to ORCID, if not already signed in
- The user grants (or denies!) permission to your application
- ORCID redirects the user back to your website with an authorization code
- You exchange the authorisation code for an access token using the ORCID OAuth API
- You include the access token in any subsequent requests you make
Implementing this in code is easier than it sounds.
External documentation
More details can be found in the ORCID OAuth documentation.
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